Thứ Hai, 30 tháng 11, 2015

Ấm ức vì bị bạn gái cũ "đá", quỵt nợ 125 triệu và nói xấu trên mạng, anh chàng quyết định "tung hê" mọi chuyện lên Facebook...
>> Xem du doan ket qua xo so tại đây
 Mới đây, câu chuyện một anh chàng tố cáo người yêu cũ của mình lừa tình, quỵt nợ đã khiến dân tình xôn xao. 

Theo đó, anh chàng L.V.Đ tố cáo cô nàng người yêu cũ, một hot girl sống tại TP. Hồ Chí Minh còn nợ tiền anh ta 125 triệu nhưng lần lữa không trả; không chỉ vậy, cô này còn nói xấu Đ. "làm biếng", "keo kiệt" trên mạng. Sau khi chia tay 5 tháng, anh chàng đã công bố mọi chuyện lên Facebook vì quá bức xúc.

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Một trong những status tố cáo bạn gái "quỵt nợ" của Đ.
Theo như những status của Đ. và video dài 15 phút anh xo so chàng này "tố" người yêu được đăng tải trên mạng, L.D.N, cô nàng hot girl bạn gái cũ của anh ta đã vay nợ của anh tổng số tiền là 155 triệu đồng. Trong đó, 105 triệu đồng là Đ. đưa cho N. mượn, 50 triệu là N. mượn giúp mẹ N. Trong đó, mẹ N. đã trả Đ. 30 triệu đồng và N. còn nợ 125 triệu. Sau khi hai người chia tay nhau được gần 5 tháng, anh vẫn chưa nhận được số tiền mà D. hứa sẽ trả, mà theo Đ., hai người đã giao kèo là mỗi tháng, N. sẽ trả Đ. 10 triệu.

Điều đáng nói nhất là cô nàng N. còn chặn Facebook và số điện thoại của Đ., dù khi biết N. đang ốm, Đ. đã tạo điều kiện, yêu cầu N. chỉ trả một số tiền nhỏ tượng trưng mỗi tháng để Đ. biết là cô còn nhớ đến nợ. Tuy nhiên, sau đó N. lại viết status, quay clip nói xấu Đ. và phủ nhận chuyện vay tiền Đ. Đó là lý do chàng trai này quyết định "vạch mặt" bạn gái cũ. 

Để chứng minh cho việc mình nói thật, Đ. cũng tung lên mạng hàng loạt bằng chứng như tin nhắn giữa hai bên, đoạn ghi âm cuộc nói chuyện và cả giấy nợ nhằm khẳng định ý đồ quỵt nợ của hot girl N.
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Giấy nợ và bản cam kết giữa N. và Đ. sau khi hai người xsmn chia tay.

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Trong tin nhắn trao đổi với N., Đ. cũng gửi kèm file ghi âm cuộc nói chuyện giữa hai người.

co-gai-bi-ban-trai-to-quy-no (4)
Thái độ thách thức của N. khi bị Đ. đòi tiền đã khiến Đ. nóng máu.
Câu chuyện tố người yêu cũ quỵt tiền này thu hút được sự chú ý của dân mạng, không chỉ bởi tình tiết ly kỳ của nó, mà còn vì bản thân L. D.N. là một hot girl được dân mạng chú ý với gầm 270.000 người theo dõi Facbook. Cô nàng này cũng là một trong nhưng idol của một mạng xã hội dành cho những bạn trẻ đam mê ca hát, nhảy múa thể hiện bản thân.

"Tiền chắc chắn phải đòi, còn tôi cũng cần lời xin lỗi"

Trao đổi với chúng tôi, Đ. cho biết, anh chàng rất bức xúc về vụ việc trên. Đ. kể, anh và N. yêu nhau được khoảng 5 - 6 tháng. Đ. thuộc dạng thiếu gia, kiếm tiền như nước và tiêu tiền không cần nghĩ, chỉ riêng dàn xe phân khối lớn mà Đ. chơi đã có giá hàng tỉ đồng, vì thế, việc anh chàng tố bạn gái quỵt nợ 125 triệu không phải là vì tiếc tiền.
"Trong thời gian quen nhau, mình từ Cần Thơ lên nhà N. ở chung. Mình cho N. rất nhiều tiền, chỉ tính tiền ăn vặt mỗi ngày đã hơn 1 triệu, tiền đi du lịch khắp nơi, tiền quà cáp, chưa kể tiền mình tặng cho N. để cô ấy đua top trên mạng xã hội. Vài lần, mỗi lần vài chục triệu nữa, những tiền đó mình đâu có tính. Nhưng 125 triệu này là tiền N. nói mượn mình, mà mượn thì phải trả, vậy thôi. Ai nói mình sao mình cũng không quan tâm".

co-gai-bi-ban-trai-to-quy-no (5)
N. và Đ. thuở còn mặn nồng bên nhau.

Theo Đ., anh chàng biết mình "dại gái" nên không công khai toàn bộ tiềm lực tài chính của mình với N., có khi còn giả vờ làm ăn thua lỗ, thiếu hụt tiền để thử lòng N., nhưng N. vẫn tỏ thái độ bình thường. Vì thế, Đ. đã tin và cung phụng N. Tuy nhiên, Đ. tố, sau khi bòn rút được của Đ. một số tiền lớn, trong đó có 125 triệu mà Đ. nhắc đến, N. đã tìm được bạn trai mới giàu có hơn nên đã "đá" Đ. và quỵt nợ.
Đ. ấm ức kể: "Ngày chia tay, N. đá mình ra đường, ném hết cả đồ đạc của mình ra và sỉ nhục mình, trong khi mình làm được rất nhiều tiền và cho N. không ít. N. có giao kèo sẽ trả cho mình 10 triệu/tháng, điều đó hoàn toàn có thể, vì mình biết N. làm ra 40 - 50 triệu/tháng, trong khi cô ta chỉ phải trả ngân hàng tiền nợ của gia đình khoảng 30 triệu/tháng. Khi biết N. đang bị sỏi thận, mình có nói từ từ trả cũng được, nhưng mỗi tháng phải gửi một số tiền tượng trưng để mình biết N. còn nhớ nợ. Nhưng cô ấy lên mạng làm clip nói xấu mình đủ điều, còn vu cho mình là kẻ hack tài khoản visa của người khác nữa... Chính vì thế, mình quyết định lên tiếng chuyện này cho mọi người biết sự thật về cô ấy".

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Hot girl N. - người bị Đ. tố là quỵt tiền, vu khống anh ta sau khi chia tay.

Đ. cũng quả quyết, anh sẽ đòi lại tiền bằng mọi giá, vì đó là tiền vay chứ không phải tiền Đ. cho N. như những khoản khác. Ngoài ra, anh ta cũng muốn N. xin lỗi, nói năng đàng hoàng và rút lại những lời nói xấu mình trên mạng. Đ. tiết lộ thêm, anh ta không phải người duy nhất bị lừa cay đắng như vậy, mà trước Đ., một số người yêu cũ của N. cũng bị cô này bòn rút, hứa hẹn cưới xin sau đó "đá" rồi nói xấu, bêu rếu trên mạng. Việc Đ. công bố đòi tiền N. trên Facebook là để những người sau sẽ không mắc bẫy N. nữa.

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Theo Đ, N. đã có bạn trai mới giàu có hơn nên tìm cách đá Đ.
Trong một diễn biến khác, L.D.N đã tung lên hàng loạt status, trong đó đáng chú ý nhất là video dài 8 phút kể lể chuyện của N. và Đ, trong đó nói về chuyện tình cảm yêu đương và scandal tiền nong giữa hai người. Theo đó, N. cho rằng Đ. đã không sòng phẳng vì những số tiền Đ. kể ra là tiền Đ. tặng quà, mua dàn máy, mua vé máy bay đi chơi cho N., tiền hai người hùn vốn làm ăn chung, tuy nhiên, sau đó cửa hàng đã thua lỗ.
Cô này thậm chí còn tố cáo, trong suốt thời gian yêu đương, Đ. không trả tiền ăn, tiền thuê nhà cho N. (Đ. ở chung nhà với gia đình N.), Đ. lười biếng, hứa hẹn sẽ chu cấp toàn bộ cho N. nhưng thất hứa... Cô tuyên bố, trong suốt thời gian yêu nhau và chung sống như vợ chồng, "anh ở không nhà tôi, chơi không tôi 3 - 4 tháng có tốn tiền không, cho dù anh có cho tôi 105 triệu đó với những gì tôi đánh đổi với anh cũng có đáng không?" để biện minh cho chuyện mình bị tố quỵt nợ và yêu cầu cộng đồng mạng không được xúc phạm cô. 
>> Xem xo so mien bac tại đây
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Video "giải trình" của N. đã hút 42.000 lượt xem trong chưa đầy 1 ngày và sau gần 2 ngày, nó đã được hơn 45.000 lượt xem. Ngay sau đó, Đ. cũng đã tung clip "phản pháo" lên Facebook mình...

Câu chuyện tố qua tố lại chuyện quỵt nợ hay chi trả tình phí giữa Đ. và N. đến giờ vẫn chưa kết thúc. Nội tình vụ việc ra sao, ai đúng, ai sai, có lẽ chỉ người trong cuộc là rõ nhất. Nhưng việc nó thu hút được sự chú ý của dân mạng cũng như những phản ứng quá khích của hai nhân vật chính khi liên tục đăng đàn, tung clip và status phản pháo nhau, phần nào cũng cho thấy bộ mặt thứ hai của một bộ phận giới trẻ sống ảo, sống nhiều trên mạng hơn đời thực hiện nay.
Và câu nói "để tao cho mày lên Facebook", giờ đây, là một lời "hăm dọa" có sức nặng dường như không kém gì câu "tôi sẽ kiện anh ra tòa!"

Thứ Sáu, 27 tháng 11, 2015

Product Description

Read more black friday laptop deals here

Trioxane burns clean and hot, packs easily and compactly. These mil-spec heat tablets will heat military rations, camp foods, and will even boil water. Put some in your survival kit as a quick, reliable firestarter. One box of three tablets that are 1.25x1.75" and are sealed in water-proof foil. Great for use in folding camp stoves, Esbit stoves, or as a fire starter. Manufactured in 1984 and inspected in 1987, NSN #9110008893553.

Product Details

  • Shipping Weight: 4 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
  • ASIN: B00F4CEKF0
  • Average Customer Review: 5.0 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (3 customer reviews)
Create a "bird's nest" of kindling and set it aside. Have your fuel wood ready in the campfire site, suspended on two larger logs to provide an open space beneath it. Open the foil pack and remove the Trioxane tablet. Unsheath your knife and scrape a small pile of trioxane dust into the bird's nest kindling and then reseal the tablet in the foil tightly for future use. Ignite the dust with a match, fire steel, lighter, or whatever and then lift the bird's nest up to your mouth and blow it Read more iphone 6s black Friday here until it combusts. Place the bird's nest beneath the fuel wood, leaving room for air to feed the kindling until the fuel wood ignites. One tablet can be used to start many fires this way. Use whatever form of ignition you desire to light the dust; it will burst into flame very easily. You can have your char cloth, birch bark, egg carton cups, fungus, whatever ... this is the most compact tinder starter there is and it will ignite even when it's wringing wet. For given weight, space, or cost this one blows them all out of the water.
I first saw this stuff reviewed by Nutnfancy on Youtube and he had said that this was his favorite firestarter material cause all you have to do is ignite it and put some small tinder on it,if you don't have any natural twigs and little branches with some birch bark to hiholidays  help start a fire..then this is the perfect thing :)
As expected.

Thứ Tư, 25 tháng 11, 2015

Only 17 left in stock.
Read more hiholidays here
  • Holds both Laptop up to 15.6" and tablet up to 10.1"
  • Fully adjustable
  • Heavy Duty "C" Clamp (2" clamp)
  • Elegant Silver Finish

Product Description

VIVO is proud to bring you the STAND-V002I which holds both a laptop up to 15.6" and tablets up to 10.1". The mount is completely adjustable allowing you to position the laptop and tablet any way you like. The C clamp mounts to nearly any surface up to 2" thick. Height adjustable from 6" to 15.5". The elegant silver finish is perfect for any environment.

Product Details

  • Product Dimensions: 10 x 24 x 16 inches
  • Shipping Weight: 8.2 pounds (View shipping walmart pre black friday sale rates and policies)
  • ASIN: B00N38ZCRW
  • Average Customer Review: 3.0 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (4 customer reviews)
  • Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
    • #1518 in Computers & Accessories > Tablet Accessories > Stands
The worst $80 I have spent in a long time! First the arm is angled up from the desk not adjustable. 2 iPad mini doesn't fit except horizontally. The "clips on the prowl do not hold the second arm up it just slides down. And to end it all when the weight of your arms rests on your laptop it wiggles and moves. It's held in by some overly big clips on the side that are awe full and slide around. All in all the idea is great but at every turn this is built like trash!
I've only had this for a short while but it works out great. It holds my laptop and tablet securely and gives me so much more room on my desk for other activities and projects. I would have preferred if this was a lower price lol but beggars can't be ipod touch black Friday 2015 choosers.

Thứ Ba, 24 tháng 11, 2015

  • This Certified Refurbished product is jcp black friday 2015 manufacturer refurbished, shows limited or no wear, and includes all original accessories plus a 90 day warranty
  • 2.5" (diagonal) Widescreen Multi-Touch Display
  • Up To 30 Hours Of Music Playback When Fully Charged
  • Up To 3.5 Hours Of Video Playback When Fully Charged
  • AAC, MP3, AIFF, And WAV Playback

Product Description

Color: Blue

In the Box - iPod nano, Apple Ear Pods, Lightning to USB cable, Quick Start guide Features 2.5-inch Multi-Touch color display with 240-by-432 pixel resolution Only 5.4-mm thin making it the thinnest iPod ever Easy-to-use controls to quickly adjust volume, or play, pause, and change songs Bluetooth 4.0

Product Details

Color: Blue
  • Product Dimensions: 3 x 0.2 x 1.6 inches ; 1.1 ounces
  • Shipping Weight: 4.8 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
  • Item model number: MD477LL/A
  • Average Customer Review: 4.1 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (141 customer reviews)
  • Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #1,967 in Electronics (See Top 100 in Electronics)
    • #83 in Electronics > Portable hiholidays Audio & Video > MP3 Players & Accessories > MP3 Players
  • Date first available at July 25, 2014
I will never buy refurbished again!!! It cost almost the same as a brand new one. I cannot return my defective ipod, which is permanently frozen on a grey screen upon startup and ITunes doesn't recognize it. I don't know who "certified" this refurbish, but they clearly did not do it right. I strongly urge all to NOT buy refurbished - save your time and money, buy new!!!
Not only did the Nano show up a day before Amazon estimated, but its a great refurbished product. It showed up with everything intact. Apple makes great products and Square Deals was cheap and easy to use. I would recommend using them and I will be buying more from them in the future. Expect great things from Square deals, Dave & Jessica you guys rock!
I have been wanting to buy a new ipod for awhile since my old ipod (8gb) is slowly dying out and out of memory. I was contemplating on either buying an ipod touch or a nano. I always liked the nano with a wheel but I thought it was time to upgrade. I decided to get the ipod nano cause I prefer it's simplicity and the extra memory. I brought this nano and was a little doubtful about the price but I thought why not. When I received the nano I was instantly in love and excited. It works perfectly fine and has a lot more memory than my old nano. I got it earlier than expected and it's in perfect condition. I also saved a lot of money than if I were to buy at apple or best buy. I am very satisfied and well recommend buying from this company.
Had to send it back. The battery would not take a charge. Ipod worked while plugged in via USB, was eventually able to get it to sync (very difficult process, did not work at all like the set-up guide said it would). After being set up and left connected for over two hours, there was home depot black friday 2015 still no indication that the battery had any power. Disconnected it, and it refused to turn on. Re-connected it - worked fine. Switched to a USB adapter and plugged it directly into the wall, left it for 4 additional hours. Woked while plugged in. Unplugged it - nothing.

I normally have great luck with refurbished products. My experience has been that when they are sent back to the factory, they are fixed and gone over with a fine toothed comb to make sure everything is working well. At least that has been my experience with Nikon when I purchased several higher end cameras refurbished - never a problem. Refurbished have had a higher level of QA testing than the typical product being shipped as new. Apparently not Apple. The battery is a pretty basic and major component of a portable device - no excuse for it not having been tested.

I will purchase a new device locally. Never had a lot of trust in Apple, this experience plays right into my doubts. Reason for two stars, rather than one is Amazon's return process is so easy and hassle-free - thanks Amazon, not so much Apple.
It arrived in great condition and works perfectly so far. It looks and functions just like new. I bought a refurbished one to save a few dollars and also people I know have had good luck buying refurbished items (specifically iPods) in the past. I was not disappointed in this product. Visually there is not a mark on it and everything works fine. I love the fact that there is an FM tuner built in. It's slim and light. I wear it on an armband while working out and barely notice it's there.
Read more wii u black friday 2015 here
My ideal iPod would be a classic with at least 32GB and blue tooth capability, and maybe an integrated audible app. I'm a fan of a dedicated audio device. I don't need it to play games or movies, my phone does that. And streaming music can rack up data charges. Since Apple discontinued the classics, this will have to do. it works fine.

Thứ Hai, 23 tháng 11, 2015

In Stock.
Sold by X-Button Games and Fulfilled by Amazon. Gift-wrap black friday laptop deals available.
  • Play together with friends in the world's premier gaming community
  • Powered by hundreds of thousands of servers that maximize performance and reduce lag
  • Get free games to play with friends every month, worth up to $700 a year
  • Receive exclusive discounts of up to 50-75% on games in the Xbox Store
  • All future Games with Gold titles for Xbox 360 will be playable on Xbox One

Product Description

Subscription Length: 12 Months | Format: Card

With Xbox Live Gold, you’re part of the world’s premier gaming community. Play with friends on the most advanced multiplayer network, get free* games, and receive exclusive discounts. Experience games like Halo and Minecraft on a network powered by hundreds of thousands of servers that maximize performance and reduce lag. Get free* games every month, worth up to $700 a year, and receive discounts up to 50-75% on games in the Xbox Store. All future Games with Gold titles for Xbox 360 will be playable on Xbox One, giving you even more free* games each month. With millions of gamers worldwide, and so many games to play, now’s a great time to go Gold. *Free Games Offer: Up to $350 value on Xbox One and up to $350 value on Xbox 360. For paid Gold members only. On Xbox One, active Gold membership required to play free games you’ve redeemed. Restrictions Apply. Savings based on retail value of game. Games sold separately. Requirements and available features vary across consoles. Offer terms and availability subject to change.
Read more iphone 6s black Friday here See Multiplayer between Xbox One and Xbox 360 supported for select titles. Download required. Xbox One Backward Compatibility feature works with select Xbox 360 games, see Kinect and accessories designed for Xbox 360, and games requiring those accessories, are not compatible with Xbox One consoles. Xbox Live and broadband internet required for initial download of game to console.

Product Details

Subscription Length: 12 Months | Format: Card
  • Domestic Shipping: Currently, item can be shipped only within the U.S. and to APO/FPO addresses. For APO/FPO shipments, please check with the manufacturer regarding warranty and support issues.
  • International Shipping: This item is not eligible for international shipping. Learn More
  • ASIN: B00EQNP8F4
  • Product Dimensions: 11 x 4 x 1 inches ; 1 ounces
  • Media: Video Game
  • Release Date: September 3, 2013
  • Average Customer Review: 4.6 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (10,706 customer reviews)
  • Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #5 in Video Games (See Top 100 in Video Games)
    • #1 in Video Games > Digital Games > Xbox One
    • #1 in Video Games > Xbox 360 > Currency & Subscription Cards > Subscription Cards
    • #1 in Video Games > Xbox One > Currency & Subscription Cards > Subscription Cards
      Read more ipod touch black Friday 2015 here
I decided to purchase one of these when my current subscription expired. It took a matter of minutes, and I was logged back on to my Live account. It was also about $10-12 cheaper than it would've been if I went to my local big box store (not to mention gas and time). Here are the steps that I took:

1. Purchased it on
2. Checked my e-mail to retrieve my Xbox Live Code immediately after purchase.
3. Logged onto my account on, and put the Xbox Live Code in. (Or enter the code on the Xbox 360 dashboard.)
4. Turned on my 360 and viola! Instantaneous access.

I plan on purchasing this again when my current subscription is up. It's a total no brainer.
To start off, I'd like to say that X-Box Live is amazing and worth every penny. Online gaming is incredibly fun and quite a good way to pass time.

That aside, there are downsides to X-Box Live that can be avoided through prepaid cards. Number one, you always run the risk that unwarranted transactions will be made if your credit card information is stored on your X-Box 360 system. It may not happen all that often, but it's best to avoid it all together.

The biggest reason to buy prepaid Xbox Live card is the renewal process that happens when you don't use one. If you order X-Box Live through your system, it'll renew every time your subscription runs out. This wouldn't be a problem except that it's not that easy to cancel. Instead of canceling through your system, you have to go through the hassle of actually calling X-Box Live support. Even then, depending on the representative you get, you may be hassled to keep your subscription because they really don't want you to cancel it. I'm guessing that's part of their job to convince you to keep it, but it still is frustrating to the person that is trying to cancel it.

You'll have to go through this process every time you want to cancel if you don't use a prepaid card. Is that hassle really worth it? I don't think so. Therefore, avoid all of the problems by simply buying a prepaid card. You won't be sorry.
Read more jcp black friday 2015 here
UPDATE: (3/6/2011): I updated this review about a year ago pointing out that you could disable the subscription on X-Box Live's website. As of this update, they've taken that feature away again. I'm guessing Microsoft must have seen a major increase on people who canceled their subscription, thus now forcing you to call their customer service hot-line again to cancel. Even if they add it back, just save yourself the hassle and get a prepaid card. You never have to worry about dealing with customer service that will try their hardest to get you to stay on as a recurring customer. Amazon also gives great deals throughout the year. You could save yourself $20 to $30 sometimes just by checking to see if Amazon has these prepaid cards on sale. What's not to love about that?
So, after buying a Xbox one my two week trial of Xbox live I needed to renew my subscription. I saw this item, and for $40 for a year long subscription that's a savings of $20. I thought I'd spring for the deal. However, after receiving the package something was off, there was a foreign text under the English text. It looked unfamiliar so I was skeptical, but after contacting Microsoft they said it would work so low and behold I got a 12month renewal for 40 dollars! Awesome deal.
I purchased a 12 month Xbox Live Gold membership for the first time on Amazon a couple years ago and I love the convenience. I typically use the "Online Game Code" option which provides you with a code you enter on your Xbox or within your Xbox Live account. This allows me to make the purchase and basically instantly redeem the code on my Xbox Live account. It's great if you need to quickly start, reactivate or extend membership without waiting for a physical card to arrive in the mail or without needing to run to the store to buy one. I also like using these prepaid cards or codes to pay for Xbox Live over paying with a credit card or debit card. If you pay with a credit/debit card Microsoft typically automatically renews it when your subscription is up. As a single dad I may not always have the required funds where they need to be when that happens. I don't like surprises and the associated fees that come with them. ;) I prefer not having a credit card linked to my Xbox anyway because it helps prevent fraud and the kids can't "accidentally" purchase something.

Xbox Live membership pre-paid cards/codes are available in 3 month, 12 month or 24 month subscriptions. I typically buy the 12 month and I'll explain why in a minute.

The 3 months option is good if you're on a tight budget or if you're not sure you'll like Xbox Live. I typically avoid the 3 month option because it costs you much more in the long run. If you pay for 12 months of Xbox Live using the 3 month option at $24.99 you'll pay $99.96 for a year of Xbox Live. For 3 cents more you could have purchased a two year subscription card! (Currently $99.99 That's crazy!

I purchase the 12 month subscription because I know we'll want. . . no NEED . . . Xbox Live all year in our household. The 12 month card saves me money over a monthly Credit Card billed subscription or the 3 month options. In fact if you're patient, I know at least the 12 month memberships go on sale from time to time. I think I scored my first one on Amazon for $39.99 which is about $20 off the normal price.

If you've got extra cash burning a hole in your pocket you can also pony up the dough for a 24 month Xbox Live Gold membership and take advantage of the discount it offers. I'm a bit too cheap and try to hold our household to too much of a budget to justify buying the $99.99 24 month subscription card/code. It does save about $20 vs. buying two 12 month cards but the $19.99 it currently saves me isn't enough to justify the expense. If your'e lucky enough to find these Xbox Live Gold hiholidays membership cards/codes on sale you can always buy and redeem multiples. You can add them at any time and Microsoft allows you to stack them. I believe you can redeem up to 3 years worth of Xbox Live Gold membership credits on your account at any one time.

Since many parents/grandparents/adults may be considering buying this as a gift they might have questions. The information below should be helpful in these cases. If you're not new to Xbox Live Gold, just skip the rest of this review!

To any parents, grandparents, adults and gamers that don't know what Xbox Live Gold is: it's basically an extra service that allows video game players to play with other players via the internet. Most of today's games are made to be enjoyed by playing them with and against other players online. The days where you sit on the couch and play with 1-2 other people are pretty much gone. The sad truth is to get the most of their video games, Xbox One and Xbox 360 gamers need Xbox Live Gold. Xbox Live also allows players to access other features like online video etc but the main focus and benefit is online multiplayer gaming.

A word of caution: Parents, adults, guardians. PLEASE monitor what your kids are doing. Just l9ike you shouldn't turn your impressionable child loose on the internet without any supervision or guidance, you shouldn't turn them loose on Xbox Live. People can chat and interact with each other via Xbox Multiplayer games, messages and more. Many games allow players to create their own emblems, logos etc. It should be no surprise that many people can't behave themselves. Online interactions on Xbox Live Gold are largely out of the control of Xbox and the game developers. There are rules governing the actions of players online, but for the most part things are on the honor system. Things ARE moderated to a certain extent but for the most part things are on the honor system and any disciplinary action is reactionary and comes long after violations of the Xbox Live terms of service. For example, if they receive enough complaints, Microsoft/Xbox will take action against anyone who is acting inappropriately. Unfortunately this action is typically taken long after your child has been exposed to language or images you didn't want them to be exposed to. Just know if your child plays online multiplayer games they WILL eventually hear adult language and sometimes worse. If you aren't comfortable with this do NOT let them use Xbox Live Gold. You can supervise your child, change settings to reduce risks slightly, but in the end you can't control what other players say or do.

Thứ Sáu, 20 tháng 11, 2015

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Thứ Năm, 19 tháng 11, 2015

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  • 1024x768 Display, Combo Drive ,WiFi, 56K Modem ,10/100 Ethernet, Bluetooth, Mac OS X 10.4

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Apple iBook G4 12\"( A1133 )1.33 Ghz, 1GB RAM, 40 GB HDD, MacOSX, DVD/CDRW, WIFI, & BLUETOOTH Don't miss out on this great deal... FULLY FUNCTIONAL GREAT working order, with few scuffs/scratches/missing feet due to normal wear & tear, mainly on outside. Laptop has been fully tested. Battery appears to hold a charge but is not guaranteed. INCLUDES AC Adapter PLEASE remember it is a USED item, not perfect.
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357 reviews
3.1 out of 5 stars
Best Sellers Rank#751 in Computers & Accessories (See top 100)
  • #105 in Computers & Accessories > Laptops
Shipping Weight5.8 pounds
Date First AvailableJuly 10, 2008
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Brand NameApple
SeriesiBook G4
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I am a IT Networking student that is almost finished with my degree. I got a temp job working for the school district and it may turn permanent. I am very good with windows and linux and I am a hardware geek. When I interviewed for the position they asked what experience I had with macs. Almost the entire school system was on macs because they got tired of viruses. I said none, I have only ever met a couple of people that used them and non that needed repairs. I told them I could learn quickly and pickup as I go and they hired me. Not wanting to fumble around on their time I picked up this laptop to get used to how it works and learn about it. I have learned a good bit about macs with it and find im getting my work done quickly because of the practice.Read more black friday tablet deals here
I must warn you if you have ideas about upgrading the hard drive it is difficult. You just about have to completely disassemble the laptop to get it. Like pealing a onion. The memory on my laptop is 1 gig. I have installed several programs including virtualpc for mac and installed several os, like dos, win2000, xp, and win2003. Well win2003 was a little lagy the rest worked very well and share folder setup very quick.
I would sugest getting the os version that just has ppc architecture. If you have the os that has both you are loosing about 10gig. This laptop comes with 40gig so that is 25% of your space.
The battery is very good. I usually get about 4 hrs on it. You would consider this is good by pc standards but consider that when this was new the time was about 6 hrs. There are things you can get like duel battery chargers that charge and maintain two batters so you always have power. Batteries range from $25-60.
At my school I and others have had a problem with staying connected to the net or even being able to connect.With the mac i have not had one problem with connections. It works very well.
All told the laptop runs very quickly for the amount of memory I have. I am able to carry it around when working on my tasks easily. I also carry it in my backpack to classes. It is very small and although there are some lighter laptops it is a managable weight.Read more wii u black friday 2015 here
Is what I say about this seller. The product arrived super-fast, and in pristine condition. It's an older model, but it's been upgraded quite a bit, which was completely unexpected but much appreciated. Definitely worth what I paid for it. I will be buying a better model soon, and I will definitely be purchasing my new computer here.
I bought this computer for my Granddaughter. She loves it. It is compact enough to take in her backpack. The screen is big enough to study with. She is 16 yrs old and thinks its cute as well so I feel she studies more with it.
i recently purchased the 12" ibook from comppartsandmore.. the first computer i received i was not staisfied ith and i contacted the company... they immediatly offered me an exchange with a slight upgrade without hesitation. I am very happy with my new computer and i would use this company again!
I wasn't expecting much when I purchased this used "refurbished" item, but upon a month of using this laptop, it has worked GREAT. No defects so far and the customer service provided was comforting and safe. Thank you!
Bought this as an older used but "like new" unit. Looks new works new. Got it for my son and he uses it for all his social network and music downloading needs. No problems at all. I recommend it
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